Video of The Day: Super 8 – Take It From Me

On December 1st, The Plus Four released an EP. However, that band is actually a trick, a sly slight of hand from Paul ‘Trip’ Ryan of SUPER 8. All songs on the EP were written, performed, recorded, and produced by Mr. Ryan. The music incorporates love of The Beatles, a sweet nod to Donovan, early ’60s melody and melancholy, and an unflinching focus on pop songwriting. The music of the 1960s stands as a testament to a revolutionary era, marked by social upheaval, cultural shifts, and artistic innovation. Drawing inspiration from this golden age of music allows contemporary artists such as ‘Trip’ to tap into a rich reservoir of creativity, blending nostalgia with modern sensibilities.

The ability to take influence of the past and build on to it is a testament to enduring impact on the evolution of the music being made by Mr. Ryan. From innovative approaches to sound and studio techniques to timeless songwriting and eclectic influences, music of the 1960s and 1970s continues to provide a rich tapestry for artists and musicians to draw inspiration. As indie musicians continue to forge their own paths in the ever-changing whirlwind of the music industry, the bands and musicians of the past remain a guiding light, a source of encouragement to embrace experimentation, celebrate diversity, and pursue artistic independence. The spirit of The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Who, The Kinks, The Animals, The Searchers, Donovan and The Dave Clark Five lives on in the independent music scene via innovative artists like Paul ‘Trip’ Ryan. He holds a sacred testament to the timeless and transcendent nature of music that is catchy and thoughtful.

Remember that when the beat leads you to sway, clap and hum with a smile on your face — even if the lyrics are telling you terrible things can happen to all of us — it is because of the undeniable gravity of the pop hook. And, Trip is a master of the pop hook. Sometimes looking back allows us to move forward.

The elusive secret of the pop hook lies in its ability to transcend the boundaries of musical genres and captivate the listener’s attention with infectious melodies. Trip’s music, and especially this EP, stands in the present while looking back over his shoulder to a past that still sounds fresh and meaningful. A pop hook is that magical element that makes a song unforgettable, a snippet of sound that embeds itself in the listener’s mind and refuses to let go. It’s the sonic glue that binds the entire composition together, creating a memorable and often addictive experience. And that magic is the stock and trade of Paul Ryan.

At its core, a pop hook is a concise and catchy musical phrase that serves as the focal point of a song. It can manifest as a catchy vocal melody, an irresistible chord progression, or a combination of both in most of Trip’s songs. The secret lies in its simplicity and universality, making it accessible to a broad audience. Whether it’s the sing-along chorus or the infectious riff of a guitar, the pop hook has the power to resonate with listeners across diverse musical tastes.

The elusive nature of the pop hook is in its ability to strike a delicate balance between familiarity and novelty. It draws upon musical conventions and structures that are recognizable to the listener, providing a sense of comfort and predictability. Yet, at the same time, it introduces a unique twist or unexpected element that sets it apart from the mundane, ensuring that it stands out in the crowded landscape of popular music. This ability to hold these competing ideas together at the same time is a gift that Trip was blessed to possess.

The pop hooks of Paul Ryan whether we call him ‘Trip,’ ‘Super 8’ or ‘The Plus Four’, possess a magical quality that transcends cultural and linguistic barriers. It communicates directly with the listener’s emotions, creating an instant connection that transcends words. You want to sway, hum, and nod your head. The simplicity of a well-crafted pop hook allows it to become a universal language of emotion, enabling it to resonate with people around the world or across the years. Trip’s music is a carefully crafted combination of simplicity and uniqueness that transcends genres and cultures, leaving an indelible mark on the listener’s musical memory. As long as there are ears to listen, Trip’s quest for the perfect pop hook will continue to inspire anyone interested in great pop music regardless of the label we put on it or the time period in which it is generated.

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